Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Goodbye to Many and Hello to All


My website, Memoir Cafe, vanishes from the Internet on November 1st so I'm saying goodbye to the community of women writers who have been my companions for the last four years. But I'm also saying a warm hello to them from here and hello to any others who choose to visit. For me that makes this inauguration of Mirrors and Windows the sweet and slightly ditzy celebration that follows a hard loss, the kind where you wring your hands, cry awhile, sitin disbelief and then decid to get up and wash the floor. --Well, that last phrase comes from my mother who survived the Great Depression and knew a whole lot about cutting her losses and moving on. --

Keeping this blog promises to return me to the daily writing life and to the deadlines I love, no matter that they'll be self-imposed. It also offers a chance to follow the lure of stories. I rarely know just what I'll write before my fingers touch the keyboard; for me a story is like a silken thread unwinding from a skein I can't see; I tug and see what comes.

It's not like I actually make things up. Unlike the Golux in Mr. Thurber's The Thirteen Clocks, who DID indeed make things up, my stories arrive like birds descending from a tree; some are red or golden yellow and many are brown and small. All are hungry.

Okay. So there's a sort of greeting for my first day out. I'm experimenting here, trying to get comfortable with all these changes. It reminds me of the first time I tried to row a little boat, oars too deep in the water at first, then setting out to sea when all I really wanted was to get back to the dock.

Thanks for coming by!